Friday, 29 November 2013

The joy of Friday - subdued but still Uplifting

Hey you all...

hope you had a fruitful week of work and are ready to have a blast this weekend!

As soon as Friday evening dawned for me, my joy for the weekend mildly diminished because of the fact that I had to come to work in order to perform an urgent task that could not be postponed.

But nevertheless, somehow the fact that Friday had come to an end was enough in itself to cheer me up. I have no idea how. Is that how the human mind has been trained? Or was it simply because I knew that my Sunday wasn't going to be eaten up as well?

Well whatever the answer is, here I am. At my workplace. Trying to perform my task and sharing the oddity of the situation with you all.

It's not as bad as I thought it would be. But I wish I get this over with to have a good amount of time remaining to pursue my other activities and hobbies waiting for me...

Have a great Saturday!!!

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Conflicting nature of Work

Hi readers...How's your day going?

I have just been presented with a conflicting situation and I have no idea how to resolve it. Right now, I NEED to do a task that involves not a huge amount of brain work but more amount of patience. It is more of a routine job that just has to be done and gotten over with.

And there is ANOTHER task that I desperately WANT to do - which involves actual learning and brain work on my part. But this is not as 'urgent' as my first task. And obviously I can't do some kind of parallel tasking since both require my complete concentration.

If I choose task 1, my soul will keep weeping for the rest of the day.
And if I pick task 2, my Bosses will make me weep for not having completed what was dutifully required from me for procedures' sake.

I just feel like pulling my hair....

The wonderful side-effects of 'Snacking' !

Remember my previous post where I'd told you all that I had refilled my snack counter by buying snacks at my workplace?

Well! I wasn't the only one apparently!

As soon as word got out that I had some really munch-able items on my desk, the people around me took out their own secret stash to reveal their collections to me and everyone else! I was almost laughing. So is this what we do behind others' backs :D

So, finally, we collected an assortment of sweets, cookies and chips and had a mini unofficial party as everyone huddled around and ate together, before going back to our respective tasks.

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

'Snacking' and Working !

There are a lot of factors that boost our enthusiasm to perform the day's tasks or goals at our workplace. First and foremost is the quality of work you have in your hands. Having a task that is challenging and overlapping with your area of interest is one of the most splendid factors that can give you satisfaction at work.

Another factor that could boost your spirit is having some nice, good smelling, oh so scrumptious snacks around that can take away or distract you from the "pressure" aspect of your work.

So, here I am, having some interesting tasks set ahead for the day, along with my just now refilled stock of CHIPS and CHOCOLATE cookies! Ah, they are just mouth watering.

What are you waiting for? Go get some snacks of your own choice and enjoy working in their company!

Inspirational quote for the day

Whether you're starting your day right now or curling under your soft blankets at the end of your day, this quote must surely appeal to you -

'Throw out an ALARMING alarm clock. If the ring is loud and strident, you're waking up to instant stress. You shouldn't be bullied out of bed, just reminded that it's time to start your day.' - Sharon Gold

CLASH with my arrogant colleague YET AGAIN

Have you ever wondered how much a single person can send you into a fit of real frustration and rage within a matter of two days?

Trust my arrogant colleague who I mentioned in  my previous post, to surprise you. He has been really tempting me to lose my temper in a BIG WAY the last few hours.

And how is it, that your brain chalks up an idea really good, but when you say it no one pays attention. But the moment the very same words emerge out of HIS 'royal' mouth, suddenly everyone's worshiping him and saying, "Yeah, you're right. What a great idea!"

I mean, how pathetic can he get stealing ideas, and look at my fate that HE's the one who gets all the credit! temper is on the verge of exploding on his face some day very soon.

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Saying "Hi" goes a long way

How many of us greet those who sit nearby our cabins or cubicles even though we may not be the best of friends or something, when we enter the office in the morning?

Not many of us, including me. Sometimes when I have a bad mood right from the moment of waking up I don't feel like greeting anyone or even looking at others while I enter the office...

But sometimes, pepping yourself up into a mildly enthusiastic mood even though you may not feel like it, and greeting your coworkers with a smile might go a long way in making really good friends...

Why, it may even turn out that you may at one point forget to greet or be too busy with your inner thoughts, but the person you greeted a week ago, would turn around to greet you and welcome you with a smile.

Sounds like a good start to a weekday?

I think I'll try it for a few days without losing hope, and get back to you with the results in my subsequent posts...

My Horrible ex-Boss

Some people who hold higher level positions not only know their responsibilities to the organization but also know that they have to lead the people who work under them and look up to them.

One of my previous bosses was either not one such person, or he simply did not feel the need to be like that in my case. Nevertheless, what vexed me the most while I worked under him, was the complete lack of interest he showed in what I had done and instead only focused in pin-pointing what I had not accomplished.

People think that they are doing the right thing by criticizing as it would enable the progress of the individual and keep him or her on their toes. But what they don't realize is that the more they tend towards only criticizing but never appreciating or encouraging what has been done by the individual, the more he or she gets discouraged and demotivated.

Another thing people neglect is this glaring fact - As a leader or a Head it is not just your responsibility to pin-point your junior's fault but also to guide him or her to the right way, since obviously you are the more experienced person.

This was another thing my ex-boss was an expert in not doing.

I just hope I don't repeat any of his mistakes when, if one day, I happen to lead a group of people.

Inpiring quotes for the day

"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all."
- Oscar Wilde
“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.”
- Oscar Wilde - See more at:
To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.”
- Oscar Wilde - See more at:
To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.”
- Oscar Wilde - See more at:

Radish Radish everywhere in the Cabin

So here's my update on what's happening today at work...

I usually eat at my table and only occasionally go out to have lunch, mainly because there are not many staff to hang out with. You can count the number of my immediate colleagues in a few fingers.

And today I had brought cooked radish. As soon as I opened my box the smell filled the whole cabin where we all sit and work ! I felt really embarrassed. But then I was so hungry that I stopped caring and started to devour it.

It's a miracle no one has come up to me yet and complained (or demanded a share) - take your pick. :)

So what's cooking, er, happening at your end...?

Importance of Exercising

My dear fellow women out there...How are you doing?

If you say you've been sitting at the same place at your work desk, or if you haven't moved an inch outside of your cubicle except to get water or to visit the washroom,


Try to get yourself out of your chair, move about the building, start strolling in the corridors, and hey if you want to look "busy" doing just walking - take out your phone and call someone!

It would most definitely give you a nice break.

If, unfortunately you fall among the unfortunates (like me sometimes), and happen to have ZERO cash in your mobile, don't you worry. Just admire the scenic view outside as you walk around...

Which exactly is what I am going to do right now...

Monday, 25 November 2013

Choose your Pick - Office timings

Is it better to let employees come quite early even though they may not have rested completely, and got enough sleep as they'd have liked to, and have them work?...OR is it better to let employees have freedom  and flexibility with respect to reporting times at workplace, but have them rested enough so they can contribute with maximum efficiency?

A lot many times people are unable to fall asleep before its late at night, and hence can't get up as early as the office demands. And sometimes, a well rested efficient person can do a 10 hour job in 6 hours, whereas a sleep deprived employee though he/she shows up on time, will take 12 hours to complete the same job....

Think about this and give me your comments...

Also, I am starting a poll soon so you can choose which you'd prefer in your own workplace - Working and reporting on time, or having flexible timings.

Too busy to Cut your Nails ??!

Greetings ladies and girls.

 I am not writing this post because I have become too busy to cut my nails, but because I have become too LAZY to cut the nails in my fingers!!!!!

I am not one of those people who grow their nails because they want to, but one of those who are so lazy that they couldn't care less even if those nails grew gigantically. Yes I can almost measure them close to a centimetre.

But the reason I realized it was really high time to cut these was when I accidentally hurt myself today, near my eyes because of them...And if you didn't already know, let me tell you. Facial skin is around 10 times more delicate than skin elsewhere.

So, that's it folks. Take my trouble as your lesson, and don't get too busy working and satisfying everyone around you at work and home, that you become too busy or forgetful TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF !!

Who else hates Frequent Documenting?

What's up, fellow women out there?

From  my side- things are not as bright and shiny...because I am about to do something that I ABSOLUTELY HATE.

Documenting things that we do at work now and then for our seniors and Bosses to review is fine. And I know I must agree that it is very much required for work to progress.

But come on, documenting and generating reports EVERY 2-3 days??????

Please my fellow working women and girls...I am ready to receive some heartfelt sympathy here! Even if you can't move your fingers to type in a comment, at least PRAY for me :)

As an after thought...maybe it's good for me in the long run if I regularly document my work. But why don't I find any fun while doing that? Any advice regarding this, do share with me girls...

To Join and Post

Dear girls and women ,

If mere commenting is not what you want to do, and instead, you'd like to become a Blog member and post your experiences about work and life,

send your email to

YourFriend93 is at your service....

My horrid start to a Monday

Okay girls....

So come Monday, all of us hate to get out of bed right?

But I thought there couldn't be a better reason to hate this day...I was wrong.

Half an hour into my work, I got this complete refusal from my brain to focus on anything except my desk where I could lay down my pounding forehead. No matter how hard I tried!
And believe me, I did...

Here's my confession- I'm not a coffee person. I never take it unless I am DYING of headache or something extreme...So imagine my plight if I had had to get myself an expresso (black coffee) and drink it even though THE STOCK OF SUGAR HAD GONE EMPTY!!!

As though, that wasn't enough, I break my head over preparing for an impending meeting for two whole hours, but a colleague of mine drops in at the last minute and gets EQUAL credit!!!!!!

Life certainly sucks sometimes......
The only highlight of my day so far- this blog!!!! So please join in and make it more pleasant, girls....

Hello friends!

Greetings, my fellow women out there....

I just had a lot of thoughts pouring into me today at work - like getting frustrated, fighting my sleep deprived brain that was simply refusing to focus, getting the urge to smack an arrogant colleague in the head etc. etc....

And unfortunately the number of female staff here is quite less, and I just HAD to get people to share my thoughts with and listen to their own stuff.... there is nothing better to ease the mind than to find company in happiness / misery.....right?


No need to mention who you are or where you live or work...

but feel completely free to let the girl in you OPEN UP, share your thoughts no matter how you feel - silly/ angry/ happy/sad anything!

Post your views and experiences, and let the rest of us know what goes on through your day..........

Take this blog as a place where you can make other working women friends (even though we may not know each other yet), and hey, what better place to start than meeting each other from various parts of the world online?

So start posting! And enjoy!